In times like This!!! written by jcsonjenuis

As I climax a night with thoughts,
I picture perfect a smile in love with charming thoughts,
Two seasons in love but still fresh like wine,
With all the smiles and kisses I paint,
Designing all beautiful scenes living the horizon,
no need to picture fake,
As this love understand itself like swine,
From clean to swin to dirt it may take,
As life itself is not straight line,
No need to dream a perfect guy,
In other I clean this dust heart to look new,
Remember I don't expect much but not my heart to look dew,
In this lands we hold hands,
In our second season we give thanks,
all in time like this,

With all this thoughts,
I sit in cumbin to write this history,
Not yours only but mine too in short,
As I plant and you water this love tree,
The black cat's in the corner expects fight,
But we have walked through holding tight,
Let share kisses, in second season we give thanks,
All in times like this


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